Mad Bamboo (bambu gila) is a most antique traditional game in Maluku islands. This game is also called by the name of "bulu gila". This traditional game is usually performed by the village youth in certain events.
The need for this game is a piece of bamboo which consists of seven segments, seven people of which each will hold the bamboo in each segment, and a handler who will lead the game.

To start the game then any person holding or hugging each segment of bamboo, handler then burn incense inside a coconut shell and whisper an incantation on every segment of bamboo. Function of the burn incense and spoken incantation or mantra is to invoke the spirits of the ancestors to give strength to the bamboo.

Although bamboo holder trying with all their strength to resist the force of bamboo, but they do not have enough power to do that and they will be mocked by the bamboo. Mad bamboo game will end with the fall of the holders of bamboo one by one because they can not resist the power of bamboo. Strength of bamboo will be lost when the handler holds the bamboo and taming it.
Click here to see a video of the bambu gila.
Grand Master Inti Energi
ReplyDeleteMemiliki kemampuan menurunkan keilmuan master inti energi tingkat dasar dan tingkat master termasuk membuka seluruh cupu besi kursani dalam tubuh seseorang.
Bambu Gila adalah permainan rakyat dari warga Maluku.
Permainan ini melibatkan kekuatan supranatural untuk menjalankannya, walaupun tidak diperlukan ritual tertentu. Sebatang bambu dipegang oleh beberapa orang, lalu oleh seorang dukun bambu ini diberi mantera. Lama-kelamaan bambu ini terasa berat hingga orang-orang yang memegangnya berjatuhan ke tanah. Tidak hanya berat, bambu ini bergoyang ke kanan dan ke kiri mengikuti alunan musik. Pelaksanaannya biasanya diiringi dengan musik perkusi.
Anda ingin mempunyai kemampuan untuk membuat atraksi permainan Bambu Gila Khas Maluku ?
Siapapun anda, apapun latar belakang anda, anda mampu membuat atraksi permainan bambu gila tersebut
Ikuti Pelatihan Grand Master Inti Energi anda akan mempunyai kemampuan untuk membuat atraksi bambu gila
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